New MuBu 1.8.6 release

a new MuBu and Co release for OS X and Windows  is available here:


Release Notes for MuBu 1.8.6 19.05.2015

mubu.gmm, mubu.gmr, mubu.hhmm, mubu.xmm:
- fixes stability of multithreading for training

mubu.hhmm, mubu.xmm:
- improves speed/memory of the training algorithm for left-right models

- copy and paste works with audiobuffer view.
- added copyaudiobuffer/pasteaudiobuffer/cutaudiobuffer messages
- fixed display when MaxMsp zoomfactor changes
- scatterplot editor: fixed colorOpacity and labelOffset attribute
- several other crash and bug fixes

- readtrackappend on empty track behaves as readtrack