FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the Ircam Forum?

After creating a free account, you can subscribe to a Premium membership. It's easy, all the information is available here.

How do I authorize my software?

Easy, please visit this page.

I am having trouble to authorize my software

This post may be useful.

I subscribed a Premium Institutional membership and i want to authorize all my computers remotely.

You can find a script here helping system administrators to make a multi-install on multiple computers.

Can I de-activate an individual computer during the year in order to activate another 
one (i.e. if I buy a new computer)?

You can not de-activate an authorized machine. This is partially why, a Premium Individual membership can authorize up to 5 machines.

If I reinstall an OS, this would deactivate my currently activated computer?

An OS upgrade on the same computer usually should not require you to re-activate Ircam softwares. However you should know that cloning an activated computer onto another one won’t work for our protection (meaning you will be asked to activate the new computer anyway).

While entering my key, a panel indicates “Ircam activation tool : error 0xA00010″

This means you have a cloned system. Please reach the Software Support Service wia this web form.

What happens to my software authorization if I change my computer?

Software authorization are per computer. You will need to generate a new key on this website.