New Mubu 1.8.9 OS X release

a new MuBu and Co release for OS X  is available here:

Windows versions will follow next days.


Release Notes for MuBu 1.8.9 09.10.2015

xmm objects:
- fixed write method for windows platform

- fixed bug in Markers interface with tracks using varrows
- fixed bug related to cursor visibility when changed with doubleclick from interface
- added opacityprogressive attribute
- MatrixEditor: fixed repeated scroll from scrollbar
- TracesEditor: added faderainbow colormode
- added "useplaceholders" attribute (use or not placeholders for invisible views in juxtaposed layout)
- fixed refresh changing view visibility in juxtaposed layout
- fixed refresh of tabs with ALT+Click and CMD+Click
- fixed refresh of cursor when scrolling with DomainRuler

- new pipo.wavelet object
- pip.bands: fixed bands mode and equal loudness mode attributes

- new version of catoracle and catart-mubu-live examples (thanks to Aaron Einbond)

- several other minor bug fixes