New MuBu 1.9.0 release (OS X and Windows)

A New MuBuForMax release for OS X and Windows is available here:

Release Notes 

- new object

- added output of "time selection" option;
- redefined "buffer copy" message in order to allow copy of a mubu buffer with the associated buffer~;
- fixed wrong display of highlight and cursor, when zooming in patch
- new Spline Editor (see the help patch);
- fixed region visible attribute;
- numbuffers updates to the number of files loaded inside a polybuffer (only if the number of files increase);

- fixed multi-threading bug

- messages to create new buffers reading files, accept now two attributes : @buffername and @bufferinfo;
- added new messages for track management: splittrack, crop, merge, join (see help patch);

- several other minor bug fixes.