bach online seminar @ CCRMA

  • CCRMA Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (660 Lomita Court, 94305 , Stanford)
  • lundi 22 juin 2020 - vendredi 26 juin 2020
  • 20h00 - 00h00 (heure locale)

Andrea Agostini, Daniele Ghisi, Julien Vincenot and Davor Vincze will hold a summer seminar on the bach library at CCRMA (Stanford University). Given the circumstances, it's an online seminar, so it's accessible from everywhere. The dates are June 22th through 25th — we are sorry for the very short notice, which is due to the current Covid-19 situation.

More information and the course syllabus can be found here:

The registration cost is $150 + $25 processing fee. For enrolling, please visit this page:

The syllabus is given as a reference, so that people who are already well familiar with most of the topics may refrain from enrolling. Notice that it is NOT a very advanced seminar, so those of you who already do crazy things with bach & co. probably will not need it. However, it is meant to give a good, all-round overview of several subjects, so it may also be useful for filling in some blanks.