Francesconi's Quartett in Malmö

  • Saturday 25 April 2015 - Friday 29 May 2015
  • 18h00 - 21h00 (local time)

Carried by the music of Luca Francesconi and the words of Heiner Müller that reinvent the Dangerous Liaisons, the opera Quartett interpenetrates three worlds.

The interior, a post-apocalyptic space where two solitary monsters caught up in a delirium of masks, the Marquise de Merteuil and the Vicomte de Valmont, collide; the exterior, the thoughts and conspiracies of the protagonists; and outside, a space of metaphysical forces like attraction and magnetism, the only space capable of absorbing the psychological tension in Quartett.

IRCAM's technology was called upon to create this spatial staging for the work’s premiere at la Scala in Milan, directed by La Fura Dels Bauls: passage from a microscopic dimension to the occupation of almost the entire theater-world, vocal grafts that incarnate the feminine side of de Valmont and the masculinity of de Merteuil, the founding and sonorous ambiguities of a "quartet" for two.

Luca Francesconi Quartett

Kirstin Chàvez soprano, the marquise de Merteuil
Christian Miedl baryton, the vicomte de Valmont
Malmö Opera Orchestra
Ralf Kircher conductor
Stage direction Stefan Johansson
IRCAM Computer-Music Design Serge Lemouton
IRCAM Computer-Music Production Benoit Meudic

Recording of the choir and orchestra at La Scala in Milan Julien Aléonard

Malmö Opera