Interactivity in Music Composition and Performance

  • Tuesday 5 May 2015 09h30 - 17h30 (local time)

logo-w2Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology
Montréal, QC, Canada

This workshop will gather a series of presentations about interaction in computer-aided composition and computer music systems.

It is organized in the framework of the Efficace research project as a collaboration between IRCAM and CIRMMT, with the support of the  International research seminar programme of Sorbonne Universités and the French National Research Agency.

Invited speakers: Joel Chadabe, Christopher Dobrian (UC Irvine), Sandeep Bhagwati (Concordia University), Adam Basanta (Concordia University), Marcello Giordano (McGill University), Marcelo Wanderley (McGill University). Efficace team members : Thibaut Carpentier (IRCAM), Jérémie Garcia (IRCAM),  Jean Bresson (IRCAM), John MacCallum (UC Berkeley), Marlon Schumacher (McGill University). => See detailed program

Register to the workshop (free): HERE!

CIRMMT - Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology