MEDIMEX 2015 featuring IRCAM Forum

  • Thursday 29 October 2015 - Saturday 31 October 2015
  • 10h00 - 19h00 (local time)

MEDIMEX 2015 invites IRCAM Forum

29, 30, 31 October 2015 @Bari, Italy


visuel medimex


In the context of MEDIMEX 2015, the Innovation Music Expo in Bari, Italy

Join us at IRCAM booth all the day : demo, information, discussions on software for music and sound!

During the MEDIMEX 2015  IRCAM is called to organize a

Special workshop : Real-time interactive devices and their applications to assisted improvisation.

Speakers : Daniele Ghisi, Mattia Bergomi, Riccardo Borghesi, Frederic Bevilacqua.

The workshop will provide an introduction in the first two mornings to some technologies and software Ircam, as well as an introduction to some concepts of mathematical and musical theory.

The third day will be dedicated to improvisation assisted, which integrates the technologies shown in the previous two days, in which participants can take turns to play the game in pairs. The first will play a MIDI keyboard or guitar, following a pattern of harmonic voltages changed in real time on the other improviser, using hand gestures.



Registration online From JULY 24  (limited access, SELECTED PARTICIPANTS).

Web site :
