Professional musicians use tools to be creative, but there are even more amateurs who enjoy being creative, albeit in casual ways. During this event, we will explore whether digital and other systems can be designed to help these casual users tap into their creative sides. In addition, we will discuss the design of creativity-augmentation systems that rely on computational creativity.
October 19, 2021 – 11:30 a.m. in Atlanta / 17:30 in Paris
This event will be broadcast live on YouTube
we invited five entrepreneurs who created their company to develop and give access to the general public to applications and connected objects that facilitate or transform the musical actvity:
- Arshia Cont, Antescofo
- Pat Scandalis, MoForte
- Adrien Mamou-Mani, Hyvibe
- Edgar Emery, Embodme
- Keith Groover,The glide
With Hugues Vinet who will briefly present the Ircam Forum, a place of exchange and discussion around the advances of digital audio, they will briefly present their system before sharing with us their views on the evolutions in the learning of music, the practice of an instrument and the revolutions that are still to come. This round-table will devote a large part to direct interaction with the audience through a Q&A session.
These discussions were made possible in the context of the Ircam-GeorgiaTech partnership in the context of the France-Atlanta meetings.
This online event is free and open to the public This event is organized by IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique) with the support of the Atlanta Office of the Cultural Services of the Embassy of France in the United States in the context of France-Atlanta events.
France-Atlanta is an annual series of high-caliber events, centered on innovation and designed to foster transatlantic cooperation and exchange in the fields of science, business, culture and humanitarian affairs. This year, 2021, marks France-Atlanta’s 12th edition.
The event series is co-organized by the Consulate General of France in Atlanta and the Georgia Institute of Technology, under the high auspices of the Ambassador of France to the United States, the Governor of Georgia and the Mayor of Atlanta.
Each fall, France-Atlanta proposes a series of 15-20 French-American events across Metro Atlanta.
More information on France-Atlanta