Afficher les articles écrits par Gerard Assayag

REACHing Space - Co-Creative Soundscapes

Spatial Awareness and Influence in Somax2 + Somax2Collider presentation

Speakers : José Miguel Fernandez, Marco Fiorini, Alberto Gatti
This sound installation, presented during the Forum workshop, explores dynamic auditory landscapes using the Somax2 system with spatial awareness and agent interaction. By integrating a library of audio descriptors implemented in Max/MSP for automated ambisonics spatialization, the system enables co-creative agents to respond to their positions in space and influence each other’s behavior. Participants can interact with the soundscape, shaping it in real time by controlling both agents and spatial elements through movement and positioning. Additionally, the new Somax2Collider version (implemented in SuperCollider) controls self-contained wireless small speakers placed around the room to diffuse other generative agents, creating a multi-point auditory experience adaptable to any concert venue or listening space.

Date :

REACH:Forum in March : updates on software REACH:suite and perspectives

REACHing Forum Session

Updates in the Suite:

Somax2 version 2.6 is out!

For the first time you will be able to record audio corpora in real-time into a somax.player, handle multi-region control on different areas of the corpus and synchronize events to beat phase alignment.

Somax2 version 2.5 is out !

Somax2 version 2.5 has seen a complete object redesign and modularisation so every object can be used in application style with full UI or rather in max library style with full programmability / messaging.

Somax2 2.41 released

Somax2 version 2.4.1 is released.
Capture d’écran, le 2023-02-25 à 17.37.42.png
This version is fully operational with a sophisticated GUI that lets you create co-creative agents and 
make them interact / improvise with the external world and between themselves.
As promised to many, we have prepared a set to help you jump (almost) immediately to real-life, rich interactions with Somax2, with ready-made players and music corpuses, carefully adjusted parameter initializations, and a single 10 steps tutorial.
Rich musical corpuses (midi and audio) have been built from great masters (modern, contemporary, jazz etc.) so you may readily experiment rich interaction, before building your own corpuses.
You can first get a precise idea of what to expect from this set by watching first the demo videos at :
To get going, go to this repository, and download all the content to your machine, then follow the readme file instructions (or install first Somax2 2.4.1 from the forum page)
Have fun, all best
Gérard Assayag and the REACH project fellows.
Stay tuned at  for installations, updates and new materials
Watch / Listen to recent Somax2 realizations as they unfold in Joëlle Léandre’s residency : REACHing OUT ! 
Somax 2.5 is in preparation : this version will add full max-style programming/messaging  interface, with accessibility to base objects (without GUI) to create your personal workflow / GUI. 
Capture d’écran, le 2023-02-22 à 17.51.47.png
Learn more about the REACH project 

Somax 2 Goes Audio ! [New Release]

Somax 2 is a multi-agent interactive system performing machine co-improvisation with live musicians, based on machine-listening, machine-learning, and generative processes. 

Somax 2 est sorti !

Somax 2 is an application for musical improvisation and composition. It is implemented in Max and is based on a generative model using a process similar to concatenative synthesis to provide stylistically coherent improvisation, while listening to and adapting to a musician (or any other type of audio or MIDI source) in real-time. The model is operating in the symbolic domain and is trained on a musical corpus, consisting of one or multiple MIDI files, from which it draws its material used for improvisation. The model can be used with little configuration to autonomously interact with a musician, but it also allows manual control of its generative process, effectively letting the model serve as an instrument that can be played in its own right.