Afficher les articles écrits par Jan Ove Hennig

Plane of Emergence by Jan Ove Hennig

SDI (Spatially distributed instrument) by Jan Hennig

Presented by Jan Ove Hennig

Traditionally, the location from which a note emanates is inherently connected to the position of the instrument it was produced by. For example, the timbre of the violoncello in a classical orchestra is married to its defined position in the sound stage to the right of the conductor. With the piano, notes played in the lower register are produced to the left of the player, and higher notes further to the right. When it comes to determining the position of a sound that is fundamentally position-less (such as a digitally generated waveform), spatialization is often considered an additional aspect of the performative process. This is further reinforced by the lack of standardized interfaces for providing control over spatial aspects on the same intuitive level that traditional musical instruments offer over pitch, amplitude, duration and timbre.

Brise de particules - Jan Ove Hennig