Afficher les articles écrits par Pierre Provence
Web-based educational spatial audio system and interfaces for Boulez’ Dialogue de l’ombre double by Alex Ruhtmann
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 1 jour, 2 heures
This presentation shares the development process and working version of a web-based “spatial audio playground” designed to present Pierre Boulez’s seminal mixed-music work Dialogue de l’ombre double (1985). This playground highlights the complementary roles that the composer, audio engineer/RIM, clarinetist, and audience members play in the presentation and experience of Dialogue. Originally conceived and prototyped as part of Dr. S. Alex Ruthmann’s artistic research residency at IRCAM in 2020, this playground has been expanded to also serve as a web-based practice and performance realization environment for similar spatial audio pieces, in addition to its primary purpose as an interactive education tool for communicating the complexities of key spatial audio and mobile music works such as Pierre Boulez’ Domains (1961-1968), and Elliot Carter’s Clarinet Concerto (1996). This playground displays interactive score elements that allow a general audience member to follow visual representations and score excerpts in synchronization with binaural or discrete 6-channel spatialized audio recordings. Accessing the interface via mobile phone, tablet, or computer desktop, the audience member can place themselves in the virtual perspectives of the performer, audio engineer, or audience member, with the ability (where appropriate) to move around the space during the experience of the piece. These features also allow the user to be in live control of the sound spatialization cues, stepping into, rehearsing, and performing the live mixing roles of the audio engineer/RIM for Dialogue. The spatial audio playground may also be used by performers who wish to use a live web-audio environment to rehearse and present a live performance of Dialogue, with the added ability of being able to rehearse and experience the spatial audio aspects of the piece from the perspective of the audience or performer. A live audio engineer can also use the playground to realize the piece for performance.
Teaching and developing soundworks-playground@2.0.0 by Garth Paine
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 1 jour, 2 heures
Latent Arias: The Voice After AI
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 2 semaines
Axel Chemla Romeu-Santos, ACIDS Sonic AI developer at IRCAM, takes part in Latent Arias: The Voice After AI to explore the future of the voice and performance in an AI future.
With artist Jonathan Chaim Reus, Dr. Francesco Bentivegna and Axel Chemla Romeu-Santos of IRCAM Paris.
ContinuuCon Electronic Music Conference
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 1 mois, 2 semaines
Open Call Art Music Denmark
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 1 mois, 3 semaines
Art Music Denmark et l'Ircam offrent à un compositeur ou musicien danois l'opportunité de participer à l'atelier « Ircam Forum »
Règlement Jeu Concours
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 1 mois, 4 semaines
IRCAM, dont le siège social est situé au 1 place Igor Stravinsky 75004 Paris (ci-après l’« Organisateur) souhaite organiser un jeu-concours intitulé « JEU CONCOURS Abo Abo » dont les gagnants seront désignés par tirage au sort dans les conditions définies ci-après. Le jeu-concours se déroulera du lundi 13 janvier 2025 au Jeudi 16 janvier à 23h59 (date et heure française de connexion faisant foi). Cette opération n’est ni parrainée, ni organisée par Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple ou Microsoft.
Ateliers du Forum IRCAM Paris
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 2 mois, 1 semaine
Ateliers IRCAM Forum Hors les Murs
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 2 mois, 3 semaines
Retrouvez-ici toutes nos éditions des Forum Hors les Murs
Retour en Image sur le Forum Workshops Hors les Murs de Séoul
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 3 mois
Partenaires Ateliers du Forum 2025
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 3 mois, 1 semaine
Les sponsors des Ateliers du Forum de Mars 2025:
Le groupe de recherche ACIDs au Conservatoire Central de Beijing
Posté par: Pierre Provence Il y a 3 mois, 2 semaines
A l'occasion du 60e anniversaire des relations diplomatiques entre la Chine et la France, le Festival international de musique 2024 s'est ouvert lundi au Conservatoire central de musique à Pékin, un événement majeur des célébrations culturelles mettant en lumière les échanges éducatifs entre les deux nations.