

The works Boite à tubes #1 and #2 evoke the sonorous past of the site of the former Pouchard factories (steel tube machining) in Pantin and suggest future uses of the site in project through a series of sound recordings and an electroacoustic device integrated in metal tubes.


Les Grandes-Serres de Pantin, a project by Alios Développement, on the site of the Pouchard factories (steel tube machining), on the banks of the Ourcq canal, is a mixed real estate program, including a cultural component (art, crafts, music). In this context, the two commissioned works Boite à tubes #1 and #2 accompany the transformation of the site and its new uses by evoking its sound memory.


BAT #1 is a sound archive of the industrial activity, an electroacoustic device housed in an existing control cabin, located in the center of the large historical hall, diffused through tubes of different dimensions giving rise to a perfect harmony (A - C - E).


BAT #2 is a mobile and collective sound composition platform, of approximately the same dimensions as BAT #1, mounted on a trailer, which proposes an interactive, creative and memorial DJing experience, immortalized by a sound postcard sent by e-mail.


This collaborative work between artist and promoter makes sound a key component of the urban project, the motive of the transformation of a site, and participates entirely in its new identity, its sound and living memory.



For four years, Nadine Schütz has been heading the MediaLab of the Institute of Landscape Architecture at ETH Zurich alongside Christophe Girot. For her design approach on landscape acoustics, she received the Young Researchers Thinking the Contemporary Landscape awarded 2013 by the Volkswagen Foundation. Her work has been installed in the Migros Museum for Contemporary Art (Zurich), in the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, at 3331 Arts Chiyoda (Tokyo) and during the Long Night of the Zurich Museums. In 2018, Nadine Schütz works, amongst others, on the forecourt of the new courthouse at Porte de Clichy in Paris, with Moreau Kusunoki, a land sound promenade for a 300 meters bridge in Saint-Denis by Marc Mimram, and an exhibition scenography about street life in Senegal. She collaborates with the Kyoto Institute of Technology on a repertoire of sonic elements in traditional Japanese gardens, and with BASE paysagistes on the renovation of the Place de la Défense. At ETH Zurich, she has recently accomplished her doctoral thesis on «The Acoustic Dimension of Landscape Architecture», which included the installation of a new lab for sonic landscape spatialization.

Nadine Schütz, born 1983 in Switzerland, lives in Zurich and Paris. She graduated in architecture at ETH Zurich with a diploma on urban landscape design, and complemented these studies with courses in acoustics and music at the ETH Signal and Information Processing Laboratory and at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology at the Zurich University of the Arts. Thus, she has assembled a versatile set of conceptual, artistic and technical skills that allow her to operate towards a new field of environmental art that might be called the work of an architect of sound.

© Photo: Jean-Marc Gourdon

@Nadine Schütz

Practical information : 

Address :

Grandes Serres de Pantin : 

1 Rue du Cheval Blanc, 93500 Pantin

 Métropolitan access : 

  • Hoche (5) 
  • Pantin
  • Eglise de Pantin (5) 

Trip from Ircam :

  • Walk to the station Hôtel de ville 
  • Take the tube 11 to République
  • Change at République for the tube 5
  • Exit at Église de Pantin 
  • Walk for 2 minutes 


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