Posté par: Benoit Alary Il y a 4 mois, 3 semaines
With the rise of new media technologies, we are increasingly immersed in virtual worlds. Ranging from navigating a scene in augmented reality to art installations and live music performances, the different ways we reproduce sound immersively are quickly evolving to adapt to new realities.
But how do we reproduce sounds and design the acoustics of these virtual worlds? More importantly, when complex algorithms such as acoustic simulations and artificial intelligence are used to determine how a space sounds like, how can we get creative control back to create the experiences we envision? In his presentation, Benoit Alary (researcher, IRCAM/EAC) will review the methods and trends in immersive sounds, such as virtual acoustics and artificial reverberation, and will also demonstrate some practical approaches used for immersive audio.
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