Call for contributions

Deadline : November 15th

Spatialization, Orchestration, Perception 
IRCAM Forum Hors Les Murs, Montreal, April 2–5, 2020

We welcome proposals for presentations and demos during the IRCAM Forum Hors Les Murs workshops in Montreal, April 2–5, 2020.

The Montreal Forum workshops will include three days of presentations by Forum members, IRCAM developers and composers, researchers from the Société des Arts Technologiques (SAT), McGill University, and the Université de Montréal, and independent artists and scholars. We invite presentations on IRCAM technologies and their applications as well as other innovative approaches to music and multimedia creation. Presentations and demos related to the three main themes of spatialization, orchestration, and perception are particularly encouraged, but talks on other topics are also welcome.

This event will take place in the city of Montreal to explore all its cultural sites. The conferences and demonstrations will be held on a itinerant basis at several sites: from the University of McGill to the SAT, as well as l'Université de Montréal. The evening events will also be animated by a dynamic of roaming, between the Gesù Amphitheatre, McGill and l'Université de Montréal. 

More informations about concerts on the McGill University website and the preliminary program of concerts.

Submission Types

Presentations: Besides presentations and workshops on IRCAM technologies and artistic projects, we welcome presentations on recent art work by Forum members involving new technologies. Accepted presentations will be programmed in dedicated sessions during the Forum Workshops in an equipped conference room with internet access, stereo audio, and a video screen. Each presenter will receive approximately 20 minutes.

Demos: Demonstrations involving technologies for the arts developed by Forum members, computer music designers and artists from all around the world. Each demonstrator will receive approximately 20 minutes. Demo rooms will be equipped with at least a video projector and stereo audio, with several sessions devoted to spatialized sound located in multichannel studios.

Workshops Schedule: 

  • April 3, 2020, Société des arts technologiques, 1201 boulevard St-Laurent
    Presentations and demos by IRCAM developers/composers and invited guest artists/researchers in the Satosphère and Espace SAT
    5:00 p.m. Welcome reception
  • April 4, 2020, Université de Montréal, Faculté de musique, 220 avenue Vincent-D'Indy
    Presentations and demos by IRCAM developers/composers and invited guest artists/researchers
  • April 5, 2020, Schulich School of Music of McGill University, 527 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
    Presentations and demos by IRCAM developers/composers and invited guest artists/researchers
    5:00 p.m. CIRMMT Distinguished Lecture by Carmine Emanuele Cella: "Can Picasso think in shapes?"

To submit : 
Please use the webform below to submit your proposal before the deadline of November 15th. Submissions are invited for presentations in French or English: bilingual slides are encouraged but not required. If you have questions about submitting a presentation/demo or want to send supplementary files, contact us at If the submission form does not appear below, click here : Webform.

The Forum workshops will take place in three full-day sessions. Proposals will be accepted for talks in both English and French, with the majority of presentations from visiting IRCAM researchers and artists in English. The program also includes four concerts and an opening reception for all participants.

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