ContinuuCon Electronic Music Conference

Musicians, sound designers, software developers, and music enthusiasts are invited to explore the world’s most uniquely expressive electronic musical instruments through presentations, performances, and hands-on experiences. As always, ContinuuCon will focus on every instrument that features the Haken Continuum’s internal sound engine the EaganMatrix, including the Continuum Fingerboard, ContinuuMini, EaganMatrix Module for Eurorack, and Expressive E Osmose synthesizer.

Friday, March 28th

Program :

10:00-11:00 Edmund Eagan

An exploration into the relationship between a fine musical instrument and the human performer. A look into human/machine feedback loops, and the recognition and positive use of the boundaries defined within a music performance eco system.


11:00-12:30 Grégoire Blanc + Clément Rousillat

APPROACHING THE CONTINUUM one instrument, two mindsets 
Clément Roussillat and Grégoire Blanc will introduce the Continuum from their users perspectives. Both have a very special relationship with the instrument, informed by their personal musical journey. The talks are complimentary, illustrated by sonic and musical examples.
A short duet performance will conclude these talks.

Endogenesis / Grégoire Blanc 
Beyond its cutting edge audio synthesis abilities, the Haken Continuum shines with a unique instrumental interface. It is consubstantial to its continuous surface. Therefore, it is appropriate to think inside the box, and explore how the instrument itself can induce a natural musical interaction. A comparison with the case of the theremin will be proposed. 


Exogenesis / Clément Rousillat
The Continuum's surface inherits our Western musical culture, but its finesse combined with the flexibility of the EaganMatrix also makes it an extremely versatile sound design tool and controller. From manipulating random patterns to using it as a unique drum pad, the possible configurations of the Continuum go beyond the use induced by the surface.
Loris Synth's additive resynthesis perfectly fits this exogenous approach : the spontaneous desire to consider it as a sampler collides with the constraints of spectral analysis. It is therefore appropriate to think outside the box. From this difficulty of accurately reproducing a sound, creativity emerges.

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch


13:15 - 14:00 Christophe Duquesne

Informal demonstration from Christophe concerning current personal explorations


14:00-15:00 Edmund Eagan

In-depth from the mornings discussion at 10:00morning - practical examples using the Warbl wind controller with the EaganMatrix Micro, and use of the Touch Area feature within the EaganMatrix sound engine and the Continuum playing surface.


15:00-15:30 open time for disccusions (and setup of the following talk)


15:30-17:00 Guillaume Bonneau, Lippold Haken , Christophe Duquesne, Josh Madoff, Edmund Eagan, Rob Schwimmer

Overlay Synths. Making Overlay Synths

  • Introduction to Overlays - Lippold
  • Overlays for Osmose - Guillaume
  • Josh - User experience
  • Rob - Acoustic imitation of Jenny and Ondioline - with Ed
  • Christophe - Loris use of Overlays - App Store / Microsoft implications



17:00-17:30 open time for discussions (and setup of the following talk)


17:30-18:00 Brain Waves Meets the EaganMatrix  - Tony K., T. Leung

BrainMato is a brain-centric instrument based on the hypothesis that brainwaves are interesting as source of musical material that is also influenced by aural feedback. Pitch derived from brainwaves and facial gestures are feed into pitch quantizer and modulated with finger gestures via touch strips.
