Create your Forum profile

You now have the possibility to enrich your Forum profile:

  • First and last name
  • Biography
  • Profile picture
  • Social network links (Facebook; Twitter, Github; Linkedin; Instagram; YouTube; Vimeo; Soundcloud; Bandcamp)

This profile allows you to showcase your background, your projects, your articles, to expand your network and to discuss between members. 

The process is simple, we offer a quick tutorial:

  • Connect you on your account of the Forum:

  • Access your profile:

  • Change your first and last name by clicking on the pen emoticon at the right of your username:  

  • Add a profile picture (png and jpg format only):

  • Add your biography (1200 characters maximum):

  • Add the links of your social networks: 

Enter the website link by clicking on the + emoticon:

Edit your biography and create your projects, Here is were it happens!