Electronic Poem by Kittiphan Janbuala

Electronic Poem is an experimental audiovisual installation. The work is based on generative processing and employs Unicode characters, an international standard for language encoding from the selected digital image files as a primary source content for sound and visualization. A Unicode character has no clear or relevant meaning to human language. However, in the absence of meaning and the speculation of combining various language symbols, there is an embedded form, rhythm, and sound texture of poetry derived from interpretation through the form of electronic poetry

Electronic Poem by Kittiphan Janbuala

Electronic Poem, the experimental audiovisual installation explores a non-sense poem to human perception rather than a conventional narrative by open-ended to interact by any level of participants. The process of work creates a generative composition through a degree of freedom determined by the artist to explore instantly sound and visualization moments.  Regarding the source of generating materials, based on selected digital image files by the artist, which are converted into Unicode, a computing language, and converted to sound through sonification procedures; using direct translation (audification) of an image’s pixel data into sound and also using pre-mapping the Unicode into speech synthesis through computer’s voices. The project rejects the conventional notion of creating a rhyme into a glitch domain that results in noisiness and also explores a hidden rhyme or unexpected noise generation as a focusing point of the experimental audiovisual installation.