Music representations team / IRCAM

Jérôme Nika is a researcher in human-computer music interaction and director in computer music. Graduated from the ENSTA ParisTech and Télécom ParisTech Grandes Ecoles as well as the ATIAM master's degree (Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer Science, Applied to Music - Sorbonne University / Ircam / Télécom ParisTech), he also studied musical composition.  He specialized in the application of computer science and signal processing to digital creation and music through a PhD ("Prix Jeune Chercheur Science/Musique 2015", "Prix Jeune Chercheur 2016", Association Française d'Informatique Musicale) then as a researcher at Ircam (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique). 

Carlos Agon is a teacher/researcher at Sorbonne University and finds his home laboratory at Ircam. 

Karim Haddad was born in 1962 in Beirut Lebanon. He studied at the national conservatory there until it closed its doors in 1975 due to the civil war. He then went on to study philosophy and literature. Haddad received six awards from the CNSMD de Paris in addition to the Diplôme Supérieur de Composition with honors. He has worked with composers such as A.Bancquart, P. Mefano, K. Huber, and Emmanuel Nunes. This learning period is marked by his keen interest for non-tempered spaces and their strong relationship with temporal poetry. In 1992 and 1994 he took part in Ferienkursen für Musik in Darmstadt where he received a scholarship. In 1995, he took a class in computer music at IRCAM, and from that point on, the computer became the only tool he used for the elaboration of his works.

Jean-Louis Giavitto is a research director at the CNRS. He joined STMS and IRCAM in 2011 and has since worked on the topological representation of musical structures, on the reactive engine of OM# and on the real-time language of the antescofo system. He is deputy director of the laboratory.

Update on the RepMus team's new features

This meeting will be an opportunity to take stock of the new development strategy in the field of CAD and the future of OpenMusic. We will also discuss the evolution of the antescofo system (partition tracking) and the co-improvisation systems (OMAX, DYCI2, ...).