Jean Geoffroy and Christophe Lebreton / Lisilog

Jean Geoffroy has made his own way in the world of percussion. He was principal timpanist of the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris from 1985 to 2000, member of the Menuhin Foundation "Music Présence". JG continues to be a tireless artist and has participated as a soloist in more than 35 CDs and DVDs, six of which are dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach. The next CDs will be released in 2020 "Hors Jeu" and the Complete Trio Sonatas of J.S. Bach. Dedicated to numerous pieces, he plays in the most prestigious music festivals of the world, and has been giving master classes and conferences all over the world for more than 30 years. Passionate about teaching, professor at the CNSMD of Lyon and Paris, he is today director of the dpt of creation and of the Post-master Artist-Dipoloma course at the CNSMD of Lyon. Author of several educational books, and collection director for Lemoine and Alfonce editions. From 1995 to 2005, he worked in the pedagogical department of Ircam and has thus created numerous pieces for solo percussion and electronics and is on the reading committee of Ircam. Artistic Director of Eklekto in Geneva from 2006 to 2013, Artistic Director of Percussions de Strasbourg from 2015 to 2017, he allowed the group to renew and perpetuate itself, with success and awards, Victoire de la musique 2016 - Diapason d'Or - Coup de Cœur Charles Cros... JG, is guest conductor of the Mésostics ensemble, with whom he recorded a CD / DVD dedicated to Martin Matalon and Philippe Hurel, acclaimed by the critics.
In 2017, with Christophe Lebreton, they co-direct in collaboration with Grame (national centre for musical creation) the Light Wall System, a luminous interface for capturing gesture, and since then they have been developing new interfaces linking sound and movement, thus creating new artistic and pedagogical perspectives. In 2019, this collaboration took concrete form with the creation of LiSiLoG association dedicated to artistic innovation and transmission.

Christophe Lebreton - Musician and scientist by training, he has been collaborating with the GRAME (Centre National de Création Musicale) since 1989. He works for the research and development of tools to help in the creation and realization of interactive devices, while confronting himself daily with the realities and diversity of contemporary productions: major shows, international concerts, "Biennales Musiques en Scène" festivals, sound installations, discographies. Since 2003 he has been working more particularly on the capture of gesture and augmented stage. He experiments what he calls "instrumental scenography". He is interested in all the performing arts for which his research and development are related. Since 2013 he has been creating gestural musical applications for Smartphones ("SmartFaust", "Smart Hand Computer"), and developing the "Light Wall System" software suite for pedagogy. In 2019 he founds with Jean GEOFFROY the association LiSiLoG, dedicated to technological, artistic and transmission innovation. ( )

Composing with Smart Hand Computer ? Algorithmic gesture music application

On stage, it's about living a moment and not playing it, that's the difference between a performer, even a virtuoso, and a musician. That's the difference between thinking of the stage as a performance space, or the stage as a space for encounters. Meetings between musicians or artists of all disciplines, but also meetings with the audience(s).

As a performer it is always possible to "hide" ourselves behind our know-how, our virtuosity... With the SHC or the Light Wall System, know-how and virtuosity are transformed into listening, presence, conviction, incarnation, precisely because there is no technique, tradition, school, or method. These have to be invented, constantly reinvented, as every time we play or replay a work. Rethinking our relationship to the body, to movement, carrying and letting ourselves be carried by the sound we produce, surprising ourselves with this renewed listening.