Spat~ 4.6.2

A new Spat release is available.

  •   Spat-4.6.2-32bits.dmg :

This version is for Mac OS 10.5 or higher.

This version runs as 32 bits application and also has a 32 bits audio DSP chain.

It is compatible with :

- Max/MSP 5.1.7 (5.1.9 recommended)

Max/MSP 6.0.4 (6.0.8 recommended)

Max/MSP 6.1.1 or higher, running in 32 bits mode.

  •   Spat-4.6.2.dmg :

This version is for Mac OS 10.6 or higher.

This version is a 32/64 bits bundle application and has a 64 bits audio DSP chain.

It is compatible with :

Max/MSP 6.0.4 (6.0.8 recommended)

Max/MSP 6.1.1 or higher, running in 32 bits mode or 64 bits mode.

It is NOT compatible with Max/MSP 5. 

* spat.hrtf.infos : fix bug with infos for transaural files

* spat.transpan~ : fix bug with processing of rear transaural

* spat.spat~, spat.pan~ : fix bug with binaural attributes (incorrect default values, in Max 6 only)

* spat.decoder~ : fix bug with hoacrossover attribute (incorrect default values, in Max 6 only)

* added spat.comb~ : multichannel feedback comb filter

* added spat.allpass~ : multichannel Schroeder all-pass section with feedback gain

* spat.oper_ : warning 'axis' output message renamed 'direct' for consistency

* fix bug with denormals on windows platform

* spat.poke~ / spat.peek : avoid crash if memory allocation failed

* spat.poke~ : fix memory leak

* added spat.spat_~ : similar to spat.spat~ but accepting low-level messages, "à la Spat3"
Also note that there is no clipping of the time distribution parameters (like tr0, or delays distribution)

* spat.pan~ / spat.pan : 'spread' message is now supported by all kind of amplitude panning types

* spat.pan~ @type binaural : added 'itdlatency' attribute

* spat.converb~ : fix possible crash with empty channels

* spat.transpan~ : minor modifications; now works without latency

* spat.rms~ : running in 32 bits audio precision, the smallest value displayed is -60 dB. In 64 bits audio precision,
the smallest value displayed is now -120 dB.

* spat.cpu : added outlet for number of threads + minor improvements

* spat.smk~ : added 'savesweepinverse' message + minor improvements

* spat.smk~ : fix bug when numcycles > 1

* spat.frequencyresponse : added 'clear' message