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Square is a sound walk around the place Igor Stravinsky in Paris created by Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch during an artistic research residency at Ircam. The installation has been inaugurated at the Manifest festival in June 2017 and is openly accessible as a web application since.

The sound walk leads the visitor across the place, following the steps of a women who tells her story in a succession of sound scenes associated to particular spots of the environment. The installation explores the impact of realistic and congruent augmented soundscapes upon spectators immersion, and how it can be used to blend fiction and reality.

Square's soundscapes  change the way we interpret reality, giving you a kind of cinematographic experience. Like an invisible presence, it will stay in place Igor Stravinskywaiting for people who wants to experience this contemplative and innovative way to watch the world.

You can access the installation via this web address : WWW.STRAV.EU

You will then follow the instructions on your screen and you will experience Square.

There are 2 ways to do the installation, and in both you'll need HEADPHONES.

1) Complete experience: Go physically at  place Igor Stravinsky in Paris, near the Centre Pompidou , connect your smartphone on the website www.strav.eu, plug your headphones, follow the "promenade" of the experience.

2) Just to Get an ideaConnect your device (computer, tablet or mobile) on the website www.strav.eu and follow the path.

Conception and Composition : Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch

Research and development : David Poirier-Quinot

In collaboration with: Norbert Schnell and Benjamin Matuszewski  ISMM team (Interaction Son Musique Mouvement)and Olivier Warusfel  EAC Team (Espace Acoustique et Cognitif) of Ircam, Centre Pompidou, Paris

In the context of the Artistic Research Residency at Ircam.
