Sound systems and signals : Audio/Acoustic / Ircam

Thomas Hélie is research director at CNRS, head of the S3AM team, coordinator of the Master 2 ATIAM (Sorbonne University) and member of the group specialized in musical acoustics and the speech acoustics group of the French Acoustic Society. His work focuses on the design of scientific and technological tools applied to audio and musical acoustics.

Robert Piéchaud is a composer, musical typographer and developer, and joined Ircam in 2012. Within the S3AM team, he leads the development of Modalys and Snail, and also works on aspects related to real-time and active control of musical instruments (hybrid instruments).

News from S3AM team

From Modalys, we will show the new LUA controller (Modalys for Max) and its application in virtual violin making.  We will go through a complete tour of the Snail and present its latest features: visualization of inharmonicity, temperaments.