Versions manager

The Forum platform allows you to publish your own software or art project. A new integrated version manager has been developed to create and edit a version with advanced metadata, change the display order of published versions and files, and even select a version to highlight. The project configuration has also been extended to manage external Git repositories (GitHub and GitLab) more finely.

Video tutorial

Text tutorial

From the main page of you project, click on the edit icon to the right of the "Versions" section to access the form for creating and editing versions.


The version editing form allows you to create, modify, delete a version, change the display order of the versions or select a version to highlight.

The fields of the edit version form are as follows:

  • Version number
    Release version number according to a preferred semantic scheme (
  • Name
  • Description
    Indications of platform or format compatibility, displayed under the version name
  • Publication date
    In YYYY/MM/DD format, displayed in the release title
  • Status
    Change version visibility (draft, published, archived)

Version creation

The version creation form is displayed if the project does not yet contain any versions. If versions already exist, click on the "+" icon below the list of versions to create a new one.

Version edition

Click on a version in the list to display its properties and edit the form.

Version deletion

Deleting a version deletes all of its assets and cannot be undone.

Tag a version

Click on the star icon to select the version highlighted in the project page. It is necessary to deselect a tagged version before deleting it.

Change version order

Change the display order of versions by dragging and dropping items from the list to the top of the form.


Assets are the data associated with a version, they can be files or links.

Once uploaded, assets can be downloaded directly to the project page from the corresponding version block. The links redirect to the external page containing the referenced assets.

The fields of the edit asset form are as follows:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Platform
    macOS, Windows, Linux, Other
  • Notes

Asset creation

Click on the "Save and add an asset" button to create a first asset within a version. If assets already exist, click on the "+" icon below the list of assets to add them.


Asset edition

The asset editing form allows you to create, modify or delete an asset.

Click on an asset in the list to display its properties in the form.


Asset deletion

Assets can be deleted from the version they belong to.

However, a version requires at least one asset in order to be displayed.

Once the changes are made, the featured version is displayed first while the others are visible under the “Other versions” tab. Assets are accessible by clicking on the “Download” button for files or “Access” for links.