Saturday, October 1st

The following program may still be subject to changes.


NYU - 35 West 4th Street, Education Building, Room 610

10:30-11:00 TBD - Andrew Phillips

11:00-11:30 Research and music at the CMC - Seth Cluett

11:30-12:00 Partiels and ASAP - Pierre Guillot

12:00-13:00 Lunch break

13:00-13:30 Neural Speech Synthesis - Nicolas Obin and Axel Roebel

13:30-14:00 Pitch and dynamic transformation on human voice with deep neural networks - Frederik Bous

14:00-14:30 An Intuitive Path to Digital Synthesis with DDSP - Benjamin Schwartz

NYU -35 West 4th Street, Education Building, Room 303

10:30-11:00 Music for Planet Earth - Seungsoon Park, Jonpil Lee, Juhan Nam

11:00-11:30 Transferring perspective techniques in visual arts and architecture towards sound spatialisation - Roque Rivas

11:30-12:00 Sounds and interactions, multiple dynamics - Morciano Lara

12:00-13:00 Lunch break

13:00-13:30 Collective Music Interaction Using Network Technologies - Frederic Bevilacqua

13:30-14:00 Networked performance as a space for collective creation - Hans Kretz

14:00-14:30 Kinetic Relationships in Visual Music Composition - Michael Rhoades


NYU - 35 West 4th Street, Education Building, Room 610 and 303

16:00 18:00 IRCAM Forum Voice Processing Workshop - Greg Beller (Room 610)

16:00 18:00 Composing generative electronics with DYCI2, Masterclass about "Ex Machina" - Jérôme Nika, Steve Lehman, Frederic Maurin and Dionysos Papanikolaou (Room 303)


NYU - 35 West 4th Street, Education Building, 7th Floor

15:00-15:30 Flexible Resynthesis Software for Max and RTcmix - John Gibson (Room 770)

15:00-15:30 Smute: Series of interactive brass mutes - Ricardo Adrian Arbiza Roverano (Room 771)

Concerts are planned on the evenings in various venues to allow the artists to showcase their work. You'll find here the detailed program for each location.

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