
News ISMM and presentation of SO(a)P project 

After a quick overview of the new features of MuBu for Max, we will present the SO(a)P project which aims to facilitate communication between Max and the soundworks framework, which is the basis of the ISMM team's JavaScript developments.  


Bio :


Frederic Bevilacqua

Head researcher at IRCAM, leading the team Sound Music Movement Interaction, my work concerns gestural interaction and movement analysis for music and perfoming arts.  The applications of my research range from digital musical instruments to rehabilitation guided through sound feedback. I coordinated several projects such as Interlude (ANR Prize for Digital Technologies 2013, Guthman Prize 2011 of new musical instruments) on new interfaces for music or the ANR Legos project on sensorimotor learning in interactive music systems. 

After scientific and musical studies (Master in Physics and PhD in Biomedical Optics from EPFL, Berklee College of Music in Boston), I was a researcher at the University of California Irvine (UCI), before joining IRCAM in 2003.


Riccardo Borghesi

Developer in the ISMM team I’m in charge of all the software of the team, such as Mubu, GestureAndSound, MaxSoundBox. After a master's degree in computer music at the University of Pisa, I joined IRCAM in 1996, where I participated in several teams, to the development of specialised graphical interfaces for musical interaction.


Etienne Demoulin

After studying sound engineering, Etienne Démoulin specialized in computer music production. He has worked for various structures (IRCAM, the Balcon, the ensemble Sillages, les percussions de Strasbourg) and has collaborated with several composers (Carmine Cella, Jean-Luc Hervé, Jacques Lenot, Pierre Jodlowski).

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