The Objects Orchestra is an interactive spatial sound work. The Product Orchestra is a spatial sound work. A set of objects (furniture, electrical appliances, daily necessities) are placed in a space, each of which tells its own story. This story tells how these industrial products go from being part of nature to products used in human life. Global capitalist production disrupts the metabolic interactions between man and the planet, and elements of nature remain in human society as products, entering the circulation of global capital markets rather than returning to the soil, air, and water. Global capitalist production disrupts the metabolic interactions between man and the planet, and elements of nature remain in human society as products, entering the circulation of global capital markets rather than returning to the soil, air, and water. People regard nature as a means of production, and nature can be regarded as an object that can be exploited in people's consciousness. This arrogant mentality leads to the over-exploitation of the environment. This has led to problems such as pollution, geological disasters, and global warming.

The Objects Orchestra reminds people that humans are still a part of nature because all the objects that people use come from nature. The objects tell their own stories to human beings, how they came from plants in the mountains, ancient dinosaurs, or stars in the universe to the environment we live in, and finally from the metabolism of nature into the circulation of global capital markets.

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