REACHing Forum Session

Updates in the Suite:

  • OMax 5, first time ever released in the forum, this is premium modular version of Omax, with the possibilities to run N models of the corpus in parallel, with omax weaving its path into the best solutions
  • Djazz 2.0, first time ever released in the Forum, the impro software that lets you express compositional and beat/pulse oriented scenarios
  • Somax 2.7 new release with new audio descriptors for timbre (MFCC) a brand new label system that lets you tag the corpus the way you like (e.g. new instrumental techniques, musical gestures, linguistic features, etc.), multi-label corpus building and several functional and UI ameliorations.
  • Dicy2 3.x : new release, Max 9 compatibility, new MuBu version, bug fixes in external synchronisation, handling of MIDI files by drag&drop

New software in the suite:

Somax2Collider 1.0 : new version of Somax with SuperCollider as the front-end control language (instead of Max), with applications e.g. in scenarios involving a great number of agents and inclusion of spatial knowledge and collective spatial dynamics for AI agents.

Research & Innovation :

  • SoVo: convergence between Somax2 world and George Lewis’ Voyager world, agent cooperation between corpus based and machine-learning based generativity, and interaction strategies / shape forming dynamics (G. Lewis, G. Assayag, M. Fiorini, D. Holzborn)
  • ipt~ : machine listening of Instrumental Playing Techniques using deep learning, interfacing with the REACH:Suite (N. Brochec, J.Borg, M. Fiorini)
  • SpeechMax : tools for speech segmentation and prosody, integration to the REACH:Suite (M. Malt, G. Bloch)
  • SpaceSynth : extension of corpus based generative interaction in REACH:Suite to 3D agents space and sound synthesis  (J.M. Fernandez, A. Gatti, M. Fiorini)
  • ​​​

REACH:suite people: Gérard Assayag (REACH:suite & co), Joakim Borg (Somax), Georges Bloch (Omax, Somax), Daniel Brown (Djazz), Marc Chemillier (Djazz), Jose-Miguel Fernandez (Somax2Collider), Marco Fiorini (Somax), Mikhail Malt (Omax, Somax), Jérôme Nika (Dicy2). Legacy :  Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot (somax), Axel Chemla-Romeu-Santos (somax), Benjamin Lévy, (omax). We use MuBu, MaxSoundBox by the ISMM Team, Zsa by Mikhail Malt and Emmanuel Jourdan, SylSeg by Nicolas Obin and ISMM team, SpaceSynth contributions by A. Gatti (PDS team).

Date :

March 27th, 16:00 - 18:00 (Studio 5)

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