Posté par: Gerard Assayag Il y a 3 semaines, 2 jours
Spatial Awareness and Influence in Somax2 + Somax2Collider presentation
Speakers : José Miguel Fernandez, Marco Fiorini, Alberto Gatti
This sound installation, presented during the Forum workshop, explores dynamic auditory landscapes using the Somax2 system with spatial awareness and agent interaction. By integrating a library of audio descriptors implemented in Max/MSP for automated ambisonics spatialization, the system enables co-creative agents to respond to their positions in space and influence each other’s behavior. Participants can interact with the soundscape, shaping it in real time by controlling both agents and spatial elements through movement and positioning. Additionally, the new Somax2Collider version (implemented in SuperCollider) controls self-contained wireless small speakers placed around the room to diffuse other generative agents, creating a multi-point auditory experience adaptable to any concert venue or listening space.
Date :
March 26th, 14:00 - 18:00 (Studio 2)
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