Tutorial First Steps

Tutorial Build your Audio Corpus

Tutorial Max Tutorials

Tutorial Performance Strategies 

Real-Time Corpus Recording

Demo Mimetisms

Demo Full Interaction I

Demo Full Interaction II

Demo Full Interaction III

Demo Installation Mode

Demo Harmonizations



Somax2 (c) Ircam 2020 - 

Somax2 is a totally renewed version of the Somax reactive co-improvisation paradigm born in the Music Representations Team at Ircam - STMS.

It is  part of the research projects ANR MERCI (Mixed Musical Reality with Creative Instruments) and ERC REACH (Raising Co-creativity in Cyber-Human Musicianship) directed by Gérard Assayag.

Somax2 development by Joakim Borg, documentations and tutorials by Joakim Borg and Marco Fiorini.

Somax created by Gérard Assayag and Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot, adaptations and pre-version 2 by Axel Chemla Romeu Santos, early prototype by Olivier Delerue.

Thanks to Georges Bloch, Mikhaïl Malt and Marco Fiorini for their continuous expertise.

Thanks to Bernard Borron, Bernard Magnien, Carine Bonnefoy, Joëlle Léandre, Fabrizio Cassol, Marco Fiorini for their musical material used in Somax2 distribution corpus.

Get more info, context, demos and medias at the Somax2 project page: repmus.ircam.fr/somax2


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