
workshop CoMo.education: narration collective en intégrant le son et le mouvement


Presentation: Marion Voillot

The CoMo.education project aims to rethink collective storytelling practices by integrating sound and movement, thus placing the body at the heart of learning, thanks to digital technology. Designed for preschool teachers and pupils, the mobile application is based on motion recognition technologies developed by IRCAM in order to create sound environments, in real time, produced by the gestures made with the smartphone. As part of an exploratory research approach, the application was experimented in preschools. During this workshop, participants will be invited to take part in an interactive story and to create their own sound and movement stories.

workshop CoMo Vox: contrôler de la musique avec votre smartphone

Présentation: Frédéric Bevilacqua  (équipe ISMM)

CoMo Vox is a web application created in partnership with Radio France, intended for those who wish to start conducting a choir or an orchestra. It allows you to modify the nuances and tempo of various musical pieces by using the conductor's gestures. This application was created with the support of the French Ministry of Education.

Bio :

Frederic Bevilacqua

Head researcher at IRCAM, leading the team Sound Music Movement Interaction, my work concerns gestural interaction and movement analysis for music and perfoming arts.  The applications of my research range from digital musical instruments to rehabilitation guided through sound feedback. I coordinated several projects such as Interlude (ANR Prize for Digital Technologies 2013, Guthman Prize 2011 of new musical instruments) on new interfaces for music or the ANR Legos project on sensorimotor learning in interactive music systems. 

After scientific and musical studies (Master in Physics and PhD in Biomedical Optics from EPFL, Berklee College of Music in Boston), I was a researcher at the University of California Irvine (UCI), before joining IRCAM in 2003.

Marion Voillot

Marion Voillot is an architect and designer, currently a PhD student at IRCAM-STMS - in partnership with the CRI - University of Paris, and the Centre de Recherche en Design (ENS Paris Saclay / ENSCI-Les Ateliers). 

In an interdisciplinary approach, she creates her research ecosystem at the border of design, Human-Computer Interaction and education. 

Her thesis project (since 2018) is entitled “Exploring embodied learning for early childhood education”. 

She co-founded with Lisa Jacquey, Premiers Cris, a research collaboratory on early childhood at CRI, since September 2018. 

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