Posté par: admin Il y a 10 années, 1 mois
Une nouvelle version d'Antescofo et AscoGraph et disponible pour Max (OSX) et PureData (OSX, Linux):
New Features:
- Increased robustness in machine listening
- Increased stability and precision of tempo detection
- AscoGraph patcher integration: AscoGraph now fully integrates Max/pd patchers through saved attributes so that upon next session, user will find AscoGraph in the same state (position, width, height) as left previously.
- AscoGraph Electronic Score Rendering:New display modes for complex electronic scores.
- [View -> Set Actions Track Display Mode ]: Action groups are rendered dynamically to eliminate overlaps.
- [ View -> Display Messages as Circles ] Messages all take up minimal space on a specific line in each parent group. Hover your mouse above them to display their contents. Feature implemented by @RVirmoors
- AscoGraph Tracks: It is now possible to filter electronic scores using Track Filtering (more on this in User Group).
- New temporal variable : Variables with periodic updates capable of tracking its tempo and localized synchronization strategies (see Section 6.3 of Antescofo Reference Guide)
- Added $ENERGY as internal variable, estimating normalized energy of detected events (between 0. and 1.)
- If internet connection is available, Antescofo will check and see if a newer version is available!
- Improved graphical editing of Curves in AscoGraph
- Improved MusicXML import in AscoGraph.
- Improved AscoGraph openning in Pd using Canvas paths
- Fixed tempo reset behavior in the middle of score (using BPM keyword in score language)
- Fixed DSP chain for Max5 (32-bit more)
- Fixed Label parsing for string starting with numbers and proceeding with characters
- AscoGraph now accepts Preloaded scores
- @jump attribute is now back, for open scores (more on this soon in User Group).
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
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