Posté par: admin Il y a 10 années, 6 mois
Une nouvelle version (0.54) d'Antescofo et Ascograph est disponible pour téléchargement pour Max et Pd:
Antescofo Reference Guide is back and is being updated almost every day:
NEW Features:
- Adds new Score Browsing methods:
- Introducing ’switch/case’ conditionals in action language
- Introducing ”Interpolation Maps” or NIMs in action language
- Possibility of live communication between live Antescofo Processes through variables
- Introducing static and dynamic synchronization strategies (to be documented)
- Introducing ”livecode” method for launching actions scores on the fly
- AscoGraph: Possibility of editing Curves by embedding on score
- AscoGraph: Better score browsing and editing between text and visual.
- AscoGraph: Text Editor Tabs for scores with @include
Fixes and Improvements:
- Major improvement on Tempo Detection affecting general performance (thanks to @marco)
- Fixes 64bit Pd version (thanks to M. Markidis)
- Improves Follower Behavior in scores with Jumps (thanks to @xfreeman)
- Improves follower behavior on glissandi (thanks to @julia-blondeau)
- Fixes tempo inheritence for nested actions blocks (@julia-blondeau)
- Corrects Process behavior on ’start’ (@marco)
- Simplifies Tables and Maps syntax and access in action language
- Imroves AscoGraph behavior on PureData
- Ascograph: Better Curve Editing
- Ascograph: Improves MusicXML conversion
- Ascograph: Major improvement in action layout
- Ascograph: Better Find/Replace mechanism
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