Afficher les articles écrits par hkretz
Collective Individuation in Virtual Spaces: AI-driven co-creativity and Telematics for Inclusive Music-Making by Hans Kretz
Posté par: hkretz Il y a 4 mois, 2 semaines
By applying philosophical and aesthetic frameworks, it investigates how the implementation of distributive, inclusive and de-hierarchizing technologies can challenge Western traditions of authorship and expand our understanding of collaborative music-making and knowledge production. I will draw on the use of software such as Somax2 and Dicy2 in ensemble practice to highlight how a 'sound object' becomes an 'object of thought,' inherently involving knowledge production about it.
IA, pratique d'ensemble et objet sonore en tant qu'"objet de pensée" : repenser la répartition des connaissances entre les sciences de l'ingénieur et les arts - Hans Kretz
Posté par: hkretz Il y a 1 année

AI, networked performance and aesthetic judgment - Hans Kretz
Posté par: hkretz Il y a 2 années
This practice-based research presentation will draw on examples from my own experience using JackTrip – in close collaboration with its developers at CCRMA – in directing and conducting student ensembles in projects that involve AI and networked performance.I will endeavor to highlight the anthropo-philosophical distinctions that govern the use of the expressions: creativity, imagination, fantasy, in order to better identify, beyond its everyday and generic use, the cognitive, philosophical and aesthetic implications of co-creativity, and how this notion necessarily informs any attempt to reinterpret these notions.
The use of software allowing co-creativity modifies to a great extent the reflexes acquired by the students in the context of improvisation. In doing so, it is the whole activity of the student's aesthetic judgment that is put back at the center. I will try to show how HCI restores to the aesthetic judgment its capacity of cognitive orientation by reactivating the exercise of the philosophical judgment.
By performing these AI assisted improvisations in an online space, through the use of the low latency, uncompressed network audio software Jack trip, a distributed space is created in which each performer occupies a unique role in a non hierarchical relation.
Networked performance as a space for collective creation
Posté par: hkretz Il y a 2 années, 6 mois
This practice-based research presentation will draw on examples from my own experience using JackTrip – in close collaboration with its developers at CCRMA – in directing and conducting student ensembles in projects that involve networked performance and co-creativity.