In the mind of Gilgamesh - Fabrice Guédy, Armand Ledanois

Generating an electronic oratorio from brain data : the Epic of Gilgamesh

Presented by: Fabrice Guédy and Armand Ledanois


"In the head of Gilgamesh" is a live coded oratorio composed by Fabrice Guédy on a libretto by Armand Ledanois using brain EEG data and mathematical models to generate the sound related to each character and situations. It was created during the "fête de la science" (science festival) 2023 at Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris. This work was made possible by the collaboration of Etienne Kœchlin, head of computational neuroscience department of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris and Armand Ledanois, mathematician. It has been supported by PSL University - « partage des savoirs », and created at Atelier des Feuillantines in the framework of the "Ecouter l'invisible" ("listen to the invisible") residency program.

Chapters Involving Algorithms:

- Brain Activity - EEG

- Brain Rhythms

- Information Transmission - Action Potentials

- Action Potentials - Ion Channels

- The prediction of the primeval flood catastrophe

- The Breaking Wave

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