Presented by: Jsuk Han
<Logistic Feedback>, Platform-L Platform Live, Seoul, KR
This project aims to utilize feedback sound and flocking algorithms and apply them to multi-channel systems and simulate natural phenomena. Audio feedback, also called howling, is literally a state in which an input microphone and an output speaker are connected to each other. If you increase the gain value while facing each other, the resonance frequency corresponding to the device is naturally generated. What's unique is that in the case of 1 channel (one speaker and microphone), a simple sine wave that resonates with the characteristics of the medium is generated, but when it increases to multiple channels, the frequency is transformed into a more complex way.
IRCAM SPAT5 viewer(left), Flocking Algorithem Boid(Right)
Using the Ambisonics system, a type of spatial audio, each speaker and microphone channel can form a network that forms a virtual space. Especially, by using the panning function of IRCAM's SPAT program, you can specify the position of the speaker in a virtual space within the program, and the position of the sound input(microphone) represented by green dots can also be specified in real time. In this project, the feedback sound will be controlled by applying the behavior of the ecosystem's group through the flocking algorithm(Boid) using a particle system to the audio input coordinate X,Y,Z values. It will sound as if a flock of birds are flocking and swimming through the ambisonic space, generating feedback sounds. These sounds mimic various phenomena seen in nature, and the sounds generated here will show various aspects, from simple sine wave ambient sounds to complex chaotic patterns.