General information

IRCAM Forum Workshops Paris - March, 16-19, 2021



All conferences will be in English.

Meetings Zoom

To facilitate your exchanges during the Workshops, we wanted to recreate a virtual discussion space where you can meet throughout the event.

You will therefore have three rooms at your disposal:

  • "Café" room, dedicated to the exchange between sessions with participants and speakers.
  • "Meeting rooms 1, 2, ..." available throughout the event for potential meetings between participants/stakeholders.  It will be possible to reserve slots or request a new meeting room by sending an e-mail to
  • An "help desk" room will also be available to meet the Forum team and schedule a potential virtual meeting with the developer of the technology you are using (subject to availability). 

How to get to these rooms? 

When you want to enter one of these rooms, click on « Breakout rooms" at the bottom right of your screen. You can then choose the room you want to join. Once you have entered one of the rooms, you will leave the main meeting where the conferences will take place. If you wish to return to the conference room, you must click on the blue button at the bottom right "leave the meeting" then "leave the conference room".

NB: The chat conversations in the different rooms are deleted as soon as you leave one of these rooms. Also, you will not find the history of a conversation in a room you have just entered.

Contacts between participants and speakers

Discourse thread is available throughout the event. However, it is recommended that you use the Zoom conference chat to ask your questions, as the Discourse thread is more for post-session exchanges. You can identify a speaker or a participant in this thread and exchange directly with him/her. You can also contact speakers directly by clicking on their nickname and then, once on their profile page, by clicking on "Message". Find all the nicknames in the program of the event.

To remember during the event

  • Keep your microphones off during the talks. However, you can open them to ask questions at the end of the conference.
  • Use the "Speakers" mode and not the "Gallery" mode of Zoom, for a better video quality.
  • Watch the pre-recorded videos of the thematic sessions in advance.
  • Join the conferences 5 minutes in advance.
  • The keynotes will be broadcasted in live stream on YouTube.