In this tutorial we build a plate reverb in Max with a rectangular plate and the force connection.
This is for now my last tutorial. A kind of epilogue. It has been a challenging and fun journey. Modalys has a quite unique sound to itself. It somehow doesn't really sound digital but not analog either. So what a perfect ground to make a plate reverb in Max with the Modalys externals. Using a rectangular plate which is excited by the force...connection ;-). This also gives us the opportunity to look into the signal inputs for the modalys~ object.
Thanks a lot to everybody who was of any help, with comments, reposting etc etc! I as well have learned quite a bit and while Modalys has still some downfalls like a sometimes incomplete documentation, big CPU usage or unstable behaviours I very much hope the IRCAM will keep developing and working on Modalys. And who knows...I would be immensely proud if these tutorials contribute to that effort in any way.
All the best to all of you
This serie of tutorials was created by Olav Lervik.
Find all the tutorials here.