Tutoriel Modalys n°11: The God of Lua

Part 11. A new object named mlys.lua looks very promising and allows for basically anything you can wish for inside Max/MSP.

There is a new version of Modalys out, compatible with the new OS on Mac and Windows, with a completely overhauled Medit and a powerful godlike object called mlys.lua! As the name suggests it is an object, in which you can script using the lua language (learn it here). 

Also the new Modalys documentation looks very promising! It's really great to see than many awesome changes!

In this tutorial I very much simplify one of the example patches of mlys.lua building a simple bowl with all the accesses, connections etc... As always you can find it on Youtube with all the bookmarks in the description:

Overall it feels like a very stable object with tons of possibilities! (And for those of you, who have followed this series, you will know I wouldn't really hold back any criticism, if I had some).

Thanks a lot to Robert Piéchaud for reaching out and giving me some hints to start understanding these new possibilities!

Cheers and who knows...maybe some more tutorials might come up soon...