Is the world of music ready to enter the third dimension of sound?
While Apple Music is pushing for the adoption of Dolby Atmos by the music industry by promoting additional remuneration for labels and artists making their tracks available in this format, is the industry really ready to take the plunge into 3D audio? What uses can the various parties make of it?
Between genuine artistic interest, variable recording costs, questions about demand and issues of sovereignty, this panel will attempt to set out the issues at stake in the development of this technology.
Panel :
- De Laurentis (artist)
- Chloé Guine (producer, Miraval Studios & The Mono Company)
- Hervé Déjardin (sound engineer, Radio France)
- Hugues Vinet (director of Innovation and Research Resources at Ircam)

Hervé Déjardin
Moderated by the CNM