Pierre Saint-Germier (IRCAM STMS, APM team) and Marco Fiorini (IRCAM STMS, RepMus team) will attend the International Conference on AI and Musical Creativity AIMC24 at the University of Oxford, UK (September 9 to 11, 2024), to present the research article "The Corpus’ Body. Embodied Interaction From Machine-Learning In Human-Machine Improvisation" (by Pierre Saint-Germier, Clément Canonne, and Marco Fiorini).
This study, part of the ERC REACH project directed at IRCAM by Gérard Assayag, consists of a conceptual and experimental research on the issue of (dis)embodiment in software for human-machine co-improvisation based on machine learning, focusing specifically on the co-creative application Somax2, developed in the same REACH project.
Read the full paper here.