Tutoriels : MuBu

Série de tutoriels autour de MuBu

Fourth tutorial to do Audio Analysis in MuBu

Third tutorial to do granular synthesis with MuBu

Second tutorial to get data into a MuBu

First tutorial to get started with MuBu.

MuBu -- A toolbox for multimodal analysis of sound and motion, interactive sound synthesis and machine learning 

Developed at IRCAM by the Sound Music Movement Interaction Team https://ismm.ircam.fr/ 

The ISMM team is part of the STMS Laboratory (Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son) Ircam–CNRS UMR 9912—Sorbonne Université

Design and presentation by Matthew Ostrowski http://ostrowski.info @matti

Additional patches and ressources: https://forum.ircam.fr/projects/detail/mubu-tutorials-material/