Posté par: Liz Gorsen Il y a 5 années, 5 mois
Credit : Jörn Nettingsmeier
The IRCAM Forum was one of the supporters of the 3DAP Competition. We offer 1-year Forum Ircam Premium licenses for silver winners.
The Student 3D Audio Competition invited, for the third time, to listen and to elaborate high quality productions in Ambisonics 3D Audio. The hall had seats for about 80 listeners, and it was crownded.
There were three 3D categories :
- Contemporary / Computer music
- Audio drama / Documentary / Soundscapes
- Music recording / Studio production
IRCAM Forum congratulates the following winners : Matas Šablauskis (Silver) in the first category, Marcel Remy, Tobias Kurzweg, Leon Hofmann, Daniela Rieger, Jonas Kieser, Jona Eisele and Bastian Kilper (Silvers) in the second category, and Yannik Weber (Bronze) in the third category.
We are delighted to support this competition, which brings together students of talent and ingenuity in fields that represent the IRCAM Forum.
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