Posté par: Liz Gorsen Il y a 3 années, 9 mois
For 2022, the ICST offers an artistic residency in each of these research areas: spatial audio, tempo polyphony, moving loudspeakers and immersive arts. Lasting from one to three weeks, residencies include the use of the studio and other facilities, professional support from ICST researchers as well as meals and lodging for the duration of the stay in Zurich. Welcome to apply are musicians and artists working with sound and sound media whose work reflects an in-depth interest in one of the mentioned research areas.
The deadline for applications is 19 September 2021; the jury’s decisions will be announced in the first half of October 2021.
Find detailed descriptions of each residency as well as informations regarding conditions for application and the selection process here:
Residency A: Spatial Sound Synthesis
Residency B: Tempo Polyphony
Residency C: Moving Loudspeakers
Residency D: Immersive Arts
Conditions / Selection process
ICST – Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology
The Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) was founded in 2005 and is active in research, education and musical creation. Besides the long-standing focus on three-dimensional sound projection, current research fields include interfaces and augmented instruments, network-based composition and performance systems, interactive movement and music, musical notation and representation, immersive and virtual environments, electroacoustic performance practice, sonification and acoustic ecology.
The promotion of musical creation through residencies and the involvement of artists in research projects are among ICST’s main concerns, reflecting the growing relevance of artistic research at ZHdK, and resulting in a broad spectrum of projects, performance practices and aesthetics.
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