Friday, September 30th

The following program may still be subject to changes.

welcome & studio reports

Brooklyn - 370 Jay Street, Room 233 (Co-Lab)

10:00-10:30 Welcome - Tae Hong Park, Paola Palumbo, Hugues Vinet, Marilyn Nonken

10:30-11:00 Overview of Current Research and Innovation at IRCAM - Hugues Vinet

11:00-11:30 IRCAM Cursus on Composition and Computer Music - Philippe Langlois

11:30-12:00 Music R&D @ NYU - NYU, Tae Hong Park


Brooklyn - 370 Jay Street, Room 233 (Co-Lab)

13:00-13:30 Urban soundscape design, or, composing (with) the sonic landscape of a public square in Paris. (Niches Acoustiques I) - Nadine Schütz

13:30-14:00 Inform and evaluate a public space sound installation through perceptual evaluations, an art x science collaboration. (Niches Acoustiques II) - Valérian Fraisse, Nadine Schütz, Nicolas Misdariis

14:00-14:30 Sounds of Living, Living Sounds: A Participatory Study of Domestic Sounds in Urban Japan - Marine Zorea

14:30-15:00 Citygram: Soundmapping our World in 3D: community-Driven, data-Driven, art-Driven - Tae Hong Park

15:00-15:30 Sound Archeology: Temporal and Material Thinking in Sound Art - Alchemyverse (Bicheng Liang and Yixuan Shao)


Brooklyn - 370 Jay Street Room 233 & 230

16:00-18:00 Xp for Live - Eric Raynaud (Room 233)

16:00-17:30 DAFNE+ : Blockchain, NFT and DAO for electronic music - Greg Beller, Hugues Vinet (Room 230)

17:30-18:00 Projection movie : Ex Machina (Room 230)

special performance event

Brooklyn - 370 Jay Street

15:30 - 16:00 Sonic Flotsam - Hans Tammen (Room 230)

Concerts are planned on the evenings in various venues to allow the artists to showcase their work. You'll find here the detailed program for each location.

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