Posté par: admin Il y a 7 années, 2 mois
The project
James Bean, artist in residency in 2016-2017, shares his project “Denm (notation environnementale dynamic for the music)” carried out at IRCAM with the Musical Representations team.
dn-m (dynamic notation for music) with the is an automated music notation software written for iOS tablet devices in the Swift language. dn-m is a performance-centric notation environment with many tools for performers built into the score. These tools, for both individual- and group-rehearsal contexts, enable a multi-dimensional understanding of the complex musics written today. This enhanced-dimensionality of understanding allows for more informed interpretations of the wide range of musics of our time, all while allowing the performers to make their own process increasingly efficient and purposeful.
Overview of the project
Look at the video of the end of the residency
The Artistic Research Residency Program
The Artistic Research Residency program is open to composers, professional musicians, choreographers, stage directors, sound designers, and students who wish to carry out their musical and artistic research using IRCAM or its partners’ facilities and extensive research environment. Upon nomination, each candidate will be granted a residency in an associated laboratory during a specific period that will range from three to six months long. During this period, candidates will work in association with a team/project at IRCAM or with a partner, carry out the musical and scientific experimental work associated with their proposed project, and participate in the intellectual life of the institute. At the end of their stay, candidates will be invited to share the results of their work with the international musical research community in the form of documentation and public presentations. This year will be marked by the first collaboration with ZKM | ( Institute for Music & Acoustics).
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