Posté par: admin Il y a 11 années, 8 mois
a new MuBu for Max release is available here:
Release Notes for MuBu 1.6.7 (27/06/2013)
- fixed display of invalid buffer~ with imubu
- fixed crash in imubu, after "out of memory" loading long sound files
- fixed memory leak
- fixed crash in mubu.granular~ and mubu.concat~
- fixed text editing bug in imubu
Release Notes for MuBu 1.6.6 (03/06/2013)
- minor issues fixed
Release Notes for MuBu 1.6.5 (19/04/2013)
- fixed issues when trying to remove last buffer of mubu/imubu
- fixed strage buffer index after certain messages to mubu/imubu
- modified the behaviour of "addbuffer" message (now always add a buffer) for mubu/imubu
- added message "appendtrack" to mubu/imbue
- added @prepad and @maxframes attributes to mubu.process
- introduced @reverse attribute to mubu.concat~ and mubu.granular~
- audio and and marker track ids of mubu.concat~ and mubu.granular~ now default to "audio" and "markers"
- fixed tack message "getduration"
- fixed issue of track message "removepoints" not removing first value
- fixed priority of track gui configurations (1. track info "gui", 2. config saved with patcher)
- finalized imubu scatterplot editor (see imubu help patch for info)
- added @outputselection attribute for imubu
- optimized display of wave and multiwave editors
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