Posté par: Pierre Guillot Il y a 4 mois, 2 semaines
In this talk, Pierre Guillot will give a brief introduction to the historical heritage and artistic and research context in which Partiels is developed, highlighting the challenges and innovative nature of the project. We will then present the possibilities offered by this suite of tools and discuss the prospects for further developments and improvements. Partiels is an audio analysis application and collection of plug-ins that lets you analyze one or more audio files using Vamp plug-ins, load data files, visualize, edit, organize and export results as images or text files that can be used in other applications such as Max, Pure Data, Open Music and more. In parallel with Partiels, a set of analyses are ported to Ircam's Vamp plug-ins: SuperVP, IrcamBeat, IrcamDescriptor, PM2, FCN, Crepe, Whisper. These plug-ins enable FFT, LPC, transient, fundamental, formant, tempo, STT, and other analyses.

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