Posté par: admin Il y a 11 années, 10 mois
A new Spat release is available.
* Spat-4.6.2-32bits.dmg :
This version is for Mac OS 10.5 or higher.
This version runs as 32 bits application and also has a 32 bits audio DSP chain.
It is compatible with :
- Max/MSP 5.1.7 (5.1.9 recommended)
- Max/MSP 6.0.4 (6.0.8 recommended)
- Max/MSP 6.1.1 or higher, running in 32 bits mode.
* Spat-4.6.2.dmg :
This version is for Mac OS 10.6 or higher.
This version is a 32/64 bits bundle application and has a 64 bits audio DSP chain.
It is compatible with :
- Max/MSP 6.0.4 (6.0.8 recommended)
- Max/MSP 6.1.1 or higher, running in 32 bits mode or 64 bits mode.
It is NOT compatible with Max/MSP 5.
* spat.hrtf.infos : fix bug with infos for transaural files
* spat.transpan~ : fix bug with processing of rear transaural
* spat.spat~, spat.pan~ : fix bug with binaural attributes (incorrect default values, in Max 6 only)
* spat.decoder~ : fix bug with hoacrossover attribute (incorrect default values, in Max 6 only)
* added spat.comb~ : multichannel feedback comb filter
* added spat.allpass~ : multichannel Schroeder all-pass section with feedback gain
* spat.oper_ : warning 'axis' output message renamed 'direct' for consistency
* fix bug with denormals on windows platform
* spat.poke~ / spat.peek : avoid crash if memory allocation failed
* spat.poke~ : fix memory leak
* added spat.spat_~ : similar to spat.spat~ but accepting low-level messages, "à la Spat3"
Also note that there is no clipping of the time distribution parameters (like tr0, or delays distribution)
Also note that there is no clipping of the time distribution parameters (like tr0, or delays distribution)
* spat.pan~ / spat.pan : 'spread' message is now supported by all kind of amplitude panning types
* spat.pan~ @type binaural : added 'itdlatency' attribute
* spat.converb~ : fix possible crash with empty channels
* spat.transpan~ : minor modifications; now works without latency
* spat.rms~ : running in 32 bits audio precision, the smallest value displayed is -60 dB. In 64 bits audio precision,
the smallest value displayed is now -120 dB.
the smallest value displayed is now -120 dB.
* spat.cpu : added outlet for number of threads + minor improvements
* spat.smk~ : added 'savesweepinverse' message + minor improvements
* spat.smk~ : fix bug when numcycles > 1
* spat.frequencyresponse : added 'clear' message
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