Posté par: admin Il y a 11 années, 1 mois
A new Spat release is available.
* all objects : avoid crashes when loading corrupted or weird audio files
* spat.viewer : added message 'adjustzoom'
* spat.viewer : added attribute 'autozoom'
* spat.sfplay~, spat.sfrecord~ : added supbport for WAV RF64 files
(WAV extension for files larger than 4 Go; the new maximum filesize is now approximately 16 exabytes)
* spat.viewer / spat.oper : deprecated messages like 'source 1 30 1 0' (index azimuth distance elevation).
The format identifier (e.g. 'source 1 aed 30 1 0') is now mandatory.
* spat.hostinfos : added 'folder' message to retrieve the folder of the current patcher
* added spat.fileinfo : retrieves various infos about files
* added spat.zpplot : plot poles/zeros of a cascade of biquads
* added spat.transform : performs translation, rotation, scaling of sources/speakers positions.
spat.transform comes as a replacement of spat.translate and spat.rotate which will be deprecated
* spat.spectroscope~ : added 'smoothing' attribute; added 'fill' attribute; added messages to 'fill' and 'show'
each channel individually.
* spat.frequencyresponse : added 'fill' attribute
* spat.waveform : added 'toprulercolor' attribute
* spat.waveform : fix bug with 'vline' mode
* spat.waveform : fix several bugs when no audio waveform was loaded
* spat.eigenencode~ : improved transcoding process; improved soft-limiting compensation; improved cpu
* spat.spat~ : fix denormal bug when @parallel is enabled
* spat.conv~ : changed minimum blocksize to 32 instead of 64
* all dsp objects : fix minor bug with 'automute' attribute
* spat.meter~ : added 'clearsolo' message
* spat.knn : fixed bug when numneighbors > 1
* spat.pan, spat.pan~, spat.spat~, spat.pansig~ : added new panning type : 'knn'. This performs amplitude panning
on the k-nearest loudpseakers (somehow similar to dbap then) (alpha version)
* spat.viewer : added 'rightclicklock' attribute (enable/disable right click)
* spat.viewer, spat.oper : now supports rectangular window. Attribute 'windowsize' is replaced by 'width' and 'height’.
* spat.viewer, spat.viewer.embedded : added attribute 'defer' : this determines the behavior of the graphic refresh.
The value 'defer = 1', corresponds to the operating mode in previous versions :
each message is deferred and triggers a refresh. The low-priority queue may become backlogged
and the UI irresponsive if the messages rate is too high.
With 'defer = 0', messages are not deferred, and the UI refresh is queued until the next service of the
low-priority thread.
NB : The default value is 'defer = 0'
NB : This DO NOT work yet for spat.oper or other GUI objects
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